Online Resources

Search Engines
Use these to search the World Wide Web by subject, keyword, name and more.
- Yahoo
Arranged hierarchically by category. Probably the most useful
for subject searches.
- Hot Bot
Searches the whole text of many websites for the search terms you request.
Nice interface.
- Alta Vista
Searches World Wide Web pages and newsgroups. Very useful; highly recommended.
Books and Libraries
Scholarly Resource Indices
Social Studies Resources for Students and Teachers
Abundant information relating to disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
- American Studies Websites and Resources
The field of American studies encompasses a wide range of specific topics, ranging from historical to contemporary subjects. Information about these various subjects can be found throughout the Web via official and reliable (but unofficial) sources. Interested parties can begin their research for information by checking out the links below.
- The English Server
A cooperative at Carnegie Mellon University, publishing articles and
resources in a variety of humanities and social science fields. Well-maintained
and extensive, the English Server gets four stars and two thumbs up.
- Chronicle of
Higher Education
News and updates from the world of higher education. Excellent links
and enticing reportage.
- Lingua Franca
Is this a scholarly resource? More like scholarly tabloid goof-off.
That's why it's great.
Data Sources
Virtual Worlds
A virtual interactive space designed to promote the exploration
of postmodern theory and practice.
A humanities world whose purposes include hosting conferences and classes,
and promoting the exchange of ideas on a wide range of subjects. Set
in an imaginary San Francisco Bay Area.
For more online resources grouped by subject, see the
genres pages.
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